- switch off social media when studying, or even switch off social media full stop, see Deep work
- Top 10 productivity hacks on google
- revise past topics regularly — this will help reduce your stress around sitting your exam
- remember, how well you do in maths reflects your attitude and method, not your ability — resolve to have a better attitude and to work more effectively
- maths cannot be learned passively you need to actively engage with it by doing problems
- try doing puzzles like sudoku, futoshiki, cryptic crosswords even — anything to get you using your brain
- practise past paper questions regularly — this should help you to feel more confident in identifying topics in questions (which is a problem that many students have)
- in any study session work on a gradient
- warm up questions
- C grade questions
- past paper questions
- as the exam approaches work through exam papers in a methodical manner — structure your revision in order to aid retention of material, approaches and methods