Optimisation: maxima and minima
Optimisation: some notes and commentary on how to approach these problems, at least as I see them.
Heinemann Higher Mathematics Ex 6Q Question 4:

Optimisation: some notes and commentary on how to approach these problems, at least as I see them.
Heinemann Higher Mathematics Ex 6Q Question 4:
This topic will introduce some concepts which are useful for later parts of the course, so again please make a good effort to understand its content. While it could be thought of as a “helper” topic questions on this topic, in its own right, may also occur in the exam.
By the end of this topic you should understand
The content of this topic is more abstract than the rest of the course but it will make topics to be encountered later on that are difficult, much easier to understand, and so this topic should not be dismissed as unimportant, or as a standalone topic.
By the end of this topic you should be able to answer the following questions
The knowledge and methods used in this topic occur in later topics so please make the effort to master them.
What is the meaning of the scalar product for vectors?
I found an answer at math exchange how to understand dot product is the angle’s cosine? and motivation behind the definition of the dot product.