Category: Blog postings
August 11 1942
Today in 1942, Hedy Lamarr patented frequency-hopping, the basis for modern WiFi & Bluetooth.
— Science Friday (@scifri) August 11, 2014
π day special from aperiodical
Currently seeing how many digits I can remember with the help of this app Learn Pi Free
Royal Institution video on proof
Carnival of Mathematics 108
Hosted this month by math hombre — lots to see there. NB Jennifer Silvermann’s visual approach to completing the square (cts is hardly new though).
attempting to do something with maths and balloons — not quite sure what though.
Plus podcast interview with Max Tegmark
Here it is — the universe itself is a mathematical structure.
Plus is an online magazine and part of the Millenium Mathematics Project.
Plus video on the bridges of Königsberg
John Conway on Numberphile